CooperSurgical 8200 Pipelle Endometrial Suction Curette - Box of 25 units.
Created by a gynecologist, the Pipelle features an insightful design that affords a consistency of sample collection that can be relied upon time after time. With a rapid, simple
technique, the procedure takes less than a minute to perform and
produces little - if any - postprocedure bleeding or patient discomfort.
Completely self contained, the Pipelle requires no additional equipment
to complete the procedure.
Excellent patient
acceptance: With a 3.1 mm outer diameter, the Pipelle is readily
inserted in most cases without the need for dilation. Flexibility of
the curette has been optimized to facilitate adaptation to normal
uterine curvature, thus promoting contact with the wall for improved
sample collection. The result is unparalleled patient acceptance with
maximum sample yield.
Features and benefits:
- Extensive clinical use.
- Proven to be extraordinarily safe.
- Depth markings aid catheter placement.
- 3.1 mm O.D. facilitates insertion.
- Sterile, single-use device ensures no cross contamination.

For Customers Outside Puerto Rico & the Caribbean: We are only allowed to sell CooperSurgical products to end users in Puerto Rico & the Caribbean.