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CooperSurgical 6064 Lugol's Iodine Solution. Box of 12

This product can only be sold to customers located in Puerto Rico. Drugs and Biologics License is required to dispatch the order. Please send it to Rx@pelegrina.com


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    CooperSurgical 6064 Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Box of 12 single vials 8mls.

    Lugol’s, the strong iodine solution, is frequently used in colposcopy to assist in recognition and delineation of cervical lesions. Conveniently packaged in single-use vials, this is a must for both beginning and experienced colposcopists. Each single-use vial contains 8 ml. 

    This product can only be sold to customers located in Puerto Rico. Drugs and Biologics License is required to dispatch the order. Please send it to Rx@pelegrina.com