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Edan SonoTrax Series Pro Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler

Retail: US$275.00

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    SonoTrax Series Pro Ultra Sonic Pocket Doppler

  • Supports 4 MHz, 5 MHz, and 8 MHz waterproof interchangeable probes.
  • Ergonomic, compact, and light design make it easy to use.
  • Accurate detection with clear sound.
  • High sensitivity.
  • Built for long continuous use.
  • Auto, Average and Manual working modes
  • Various power supply solution.
  • Automatic power-off to save power
  • built-in audio recorder

  • The 4 MHz and 8 MHz waterproof probes are designed for the Vascular monitoring and provide blood flow in veins and arteries detection. There probes provide 4.0 and 8.0 MHz frequency correspondingly. The 4 MHz as a vascular probe with the lowest frequency features the deepest penetration level and best suits for examining blood vessels. The 8 MHz vascular probe provides the highest resolution and wider detecting range out of three. It is intended for examining surface vessels. The 5 MHz probe is optimized for examining deeper vessels.

    *Non Stock Product*

    Edan Sonotrax Vascular Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler Edan Sonotrax Vascular Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler Edan SonoTrax Vascular Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler