Newman Medical simpleABI-300 Handheld PVR System – Single-Level + TBI


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    simpleABI-300 Handheld PVR System - Single-Level + TBI

    Experience Advanced Diagnosis with the ABI-300 Handheld PVR System

    When it comes to diagnosing Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.), precision and versatility are essential. The ABI-300 goes beyond, offering a comprehensive solution for healthcare professionals dedicated to early detection and intervention.

    Key Features and Advantages:

    • Comprehensive Diagnosis: The ABI-300 includes all the features of the ABI-250 and more. It not only provides a single-level ABI exam but also offers ABI with Toe Exam (TBI) capability, including a PPG probe for comprehensive diagnostics.
    • Precision Control: Like the ABI-250, the ABI-300 offers enhanced manual control over the examination process, ensuring a comprehensive view of extremity blood flow.
    • Portability: With its compact design, it remains ideal for mobile imaging services, community health fairs, and practices requiring flexibility.
    • Clinical Accuracy: The ABI-300 maintains the same high level of clinical accuracy, simplifying reimbursement procedures and enhancing confidence in diagnosis.
    • 2-Year Warranty: Like its counterpart, the ABI-300 is backed by an industry-leading 2-year warranty, providing peace of mind and long-term reliability.
    • Made in the USA: Proudly manufactured in the USA, it upholds the highest quality standards.