SunTech Tango M2 Cardiac Stress Test Monitor (Different Versions)
- SunTech 99-0132-00 Tango M2 - System for GE Case, Case 8000
- SunTech 99-0132-01 Tango M2 - System for Cambridge Heart 2000, Cambridge HearTWave II
- SunTech 99-0132-04 Tango M2 - System for Quinton Q-Stress, Q-4500
- SunTech 99-0132-05 Tango M2 - System for Mortara X-Scribe, Philips StressVue
- SunTech 99-0132-06 Tango M2 - System for WA Cardioperfect Workstation, Midmark Iqmark EZStress
- SunTech 99-0132-07 Tango M2 - System for Philips ST80i
- SunTech 99-0088-00 Tango M2 - Tango M2 Monitor without ECG
- SunTech 99-0088-01 Tango M2 - Tango M2 Monitor with ECG
Tango M2 was specifically designed to overcome the noise, motion, and physical difficulties associated with cardiac stress and exercise testing. This monitor was designed for use by a cardiology professional in a stress lab, whether performing a test using a treadmill, ergometer, or pharmacological stress testing. The Tango M2 reliably monitors your patient's blodd pressure allowing you to focus on your patient. SunTech's proprietary DKA algorithm provides exceptional performance in this difficult enviroment. With the added benefit of the Oscillometric Mode you can now take a baseline BP prior to stressing your patient without the ECG hookup. The hands-free interface makes Tango M2 an indispensable part of stress testing. Add the SpO2 measurement option to make your stress ECG system a complete and seamless cardiac test center. When reliable automatic blood pressure is required, SunTech Medical delivers.
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